I'm glad today is coming to a close. But as I was watching Perry Mason and my eyes getting heavy, I realized that I forgot to do a blog post today. Now, I'm normally good about making a plan for the week for the things that I want to blog about. These past couple weeks I've just been lazy and not making my plan. So I feel like my bloggy blog is lacking a little bit as of a late. I need to do more doodles and share more great findings! I'm sad that I've been digressing a little bit on my content. I also feel like I'm losing the few readers that I do have and haven't been making any efforts to gain new ones. (With advertising and comments and what-nots) I'm just so tired all the time, adjusting from working nights to days is really tuff. Well, now I just seem like a boob. But until I can adjust I guess my blog is just going to have to suffer a little bit. Sigh.
Anyways if you happen to read this. Thank you. I hope you at least tolerated my lil' complaining rant and fall in love with this oh so lovely photo by Stefany Alves.

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