I love poking around the music section and I recently found the band Cassolette! They are an indie-pop band that have some lovely catchy tunes! Check out there kickstarter HERE! They plan on taking their baby along for the adventure. Which seems like a huge challenge but also an amazing experience. Can you imagine the love that they all have for each other for a whole band to want to take care of a baby. That's awesome. Man, I wanna be in a band!
I've also come across THIS lovely fellows kickstarter. This one was actually brought to my attention by my mum. Who knows that I love kickstarter because I'm always rambling on about it and showing her cool rewards I get in the mail. She also knows that I'm keen on photographers. (Mostly because I'm envious of them, but that's another rant post!) But this guy needs some monies to help him travel across the US and taking photos along the way. Seems pretty neat huh? I wish I was brave enough to do something like that. My hermit crab-ness would probably make me have a panic attack about an hour into my trip. But one day right? It's a working progress.
So much creativeness! Kickstarter is good for the soul, not so much for the wallet. But hey, what is money good for if you can't spend it! I really want to start a kickstarter project, but don't really have anything to kickstart. Maybe one day me and Zoei will come up with some crazy cool project. Or..maybe not.
Phew I'm awfully rambly! Hope you have an awesome MONDAY! bleh...mondays.

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