I've been challenging myself to make a new zine every month! The main purpose of this challenge is to give me solid deadlines to keep me on task and to push myself to try things that are new! So far its going well! I've surprised myself by how productive I have been. This last months theme was cry baby. This is definitely a reflection on my feelings lately. I'm very weepy and I keep feeling guilty about it. Which is terribly silly because if you want to cry then C R Y! I keep having to remind myself that it is ok to have emotional reactions to things. This zine just rolls those thoughts and affirmations into one lil'booklet.

I did more of a comic style for this zine which was my trying something new. I think it turned out well but there are lots of adjustments I would like to make. This zine is also on the shorter side for being such a broad topic. Eventually I'd like to add more pages and maybe reorganize it a bit to flow better. BUT for being a crazy month I'm very proud of myself for keeping on task!
If you're interested in a copy as always email me at remikeahi@gmail.com!