I haven't been doing a very good job on keeping up with my blog this month. BUT I am happy to say that I'm creating quite a bit. I suppose life has a balance to everything. I am definitely feeling a shift in my productivity mood as of late! You can only lay in bed and binge on TV for so long. Sometimes I get the itch to create something beautiful that makes me proud. I've yet to create the beauty I've been longing too, but have done some practicing and I'm on the right track. I wanted to share some of that track with you today!
Here is a flowery mix media post card I made! I first started out by layering some paint down with lots of patterns. I then drew some flowers over the top with this
gorgeous marker I'm in love with. I then wanted to create more defined colors so I colored in some of the flowers using colored markers. Last but not least to finish it off I added in some white paint to highlight it. It got awfully dark after coloring it in so the white really helped. Here is a gif. of my process!
I'm mostly happy with this because I learned a lot on what not to do and also what kinda markers and pens would be best for layering.
Cat man! This was my second attempt at a mix media post card. I layered the background with blue and yellow. Then drew my cat man with some markers, adding in some detail. Then going back over in black and white for the features and little details. To finish it off I added a white background to make him stand out a little bit, but that got too boring so I used a triangle stencil and blue ink to create some more texture! Again this was an awesome learning experience because I discovered the power of the stencil!

This is Ghost Bees #1! I've had this idea for ever to do a skeleton honeybee ghostly image. Its been floating around my head for years but never is able to manifest its self for some reason! BUT I'm absolutely determined to make this idea come to life! I've spent hours looking and reading about honey bee structures and anatomy. I'm so happy to say I think I'm on the right page for once! This guy is a bit rough, but I learned a lot about layering black and white. Also incorporating some water color AND and awesome honey comb stencil that I made!
This is my first Ghost Bees attempt. It didn't turn out well at all. (like most of my previous attempts!) I took it a few steps further than this, but ultimately scrapped it. I love the colors and the collage background turned out great. This was before I decided to go stencil route and was testing out some paper cut outs. I love paper add ons cause it gives it more 3D depth but I just couldn't layer it on correctly and get it to work out.
Phew! This post was longer than I thought it would be! I've got more backgrounds and a whole list of ideas that I'm terribly anxious to dive into. I hope I can share more of my art and processes soon! Also you can find all of these and more on my instagram (@remikeahi) I'm pretty good at updating that as I'm working!