I just got back from one of the worst business trips EVER! Ok, ok...thats a bit dramatic. But I didn't really enjoy myself to say the least. 3 days of running around doing odds and ends, talking to lots of people. Ugh, I am really not one for small talk. My anxiety was way outta control but I am happy to say that I didn't cry (in front of any one) OR scream and run away. Both things which I really wanted to do. So my plan was to post some photos of my trip. I then realized that I didn't really take any photos of people. Mostly cause when I was around people we were all busy doing stuff. I didn't want to be that weirdo that made everyone stop what they were doing to snap a photo. Plus they probably wouldn't have stopped anyways.

The one photo of my and Zo that I took! Its not a very good one and we had been in the car so we aren't looking the best but who cares! Also, we have some really big teeth!

I hated this carpet by the end. All it does it make you dizzy.

My name badge!
My ukulele which made it possible for me to get rid of my anxiety enough to fall asleep each night. Not that I ever got much sleep having to wake up at 5 am.

Zoei on the other hand had no problem getting to sleep.
My fancy dress! I'm so mad that I didn't get pictures of Zoei and I in our fancy clothes! We looked sooo good! But we were way to busy running around and forgot to snap a picture. By the time we got back tot he hotel we were so tired it didn't seem worth it. Plus I ripped off my shoes and tights as soon as I possibly could!

Creepy hotel hallway. I kept thinking to myself, how can this hotel make it look less like the Shining? Still haven't come up with a solution.
Well there you have it! I'm glad to be home and back in my own bed! Also now I have time to blog! Oh how I miss writing nonsensical posts!