I haven't been posting on here very much BUT I am very happy to report that I have been keeping up with my Inktober posts! You can see the first chunkit HERE! Its already the 24th and I haven't missed a day! This is the first time I have ever stayed on schedule with a challenge! Life has been crazy, but I'm quite happy with all these lil' doodles!
Day 8- Star
Day 9- Baby Spider (or) Spider Babies!
Day 10- Creature of the Lagoon
Day 110- Bat
Day 12- Whale
Day 13- Grave
Day 14- Skeleton
Day 15- Owl
Day 16- Goblin
Day 17- Werewolf
Day 18- Rat
Day 19- Scorched
Day 20- Serpent
Day 21- Alien
Day 22- Pumpkin
Day 23- Monster and Muddy!
Day 24- Chop!