On the Road Again.

In the morning I will be off! Traveling in a beast of a van with people that I'm not too keen on, going to a place that I don't really want to go. I'm off to the lovely land of Las Vegas for a work convention. I shouldn't be complaining though. I do enjoy my job and am grateful for the opportunity. BUT, I really don't want to go! (insert whiny voice here!) Luckily for me my partner in crime, Zoei, gets to suffer along with me! Also I have a few good books that I've been meaning to catch up on and I made a MASSIVE PLAYLIST to keep my brain from melting.

Now, my plan was to get all my blog posts queued and ready to go in my absence. But recent events have prevented me from getting it all done. I woke up this morning feeling ready to write and share SOMETHING, anything with the internet world. But alas, time didn't feel the same way. So, I'm just gonna have to not blog for half a week. Which saddens me. I enjoy coming home and relaxing in front of my computer and unloading my thoughts on to you all!

Till we meet again? I'll try to post some random photos or something. Although I doubt I'll see anything aside from old insurance agents and a bunch of boring business people. Sigh..

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