How to battle sadness..

I'm a sad person. I know its hard to tell from my upbeat chipper blog posts! But alas it is true...I'm sad a lot of the time. I think 90% of it is due to being lost in the world trying to figure IT all out. Whatever the reason is, I easily become engulfed in sadness/mopey-ness. So I've made a list of things to battle these feelings! 

List One: Music/Songs to AVOID. Any of these songs will strike me at my core if I'm feeling the rain clouds rolling in. So for me I HAVE to not listen to any of these! What are mopey songs for you?

List Two: Perfect things to chase away bad feelings! This is a list of things that will make you forget about your worries. There's a lot more I could have added but these were the first things to pop into my head! So must be pretty important, huh?

I kinda really liked putting these lists together! Actually..I love making lists! Kind of a weird habit of mine. Pretty soon its just gonna turn into the blog of lists! Which might not be a horrible idea...

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