Phew I got a little bit behind on the order of all my posts! This is such a busy time with projects, birthdays and holidays! Anyways I wanted to do a little post about Grid Zine! My history with Grid Zine is one of the loveliest. I tabled at my very first zine festival is 2017! Since then I've built some great friendships with the other tablers at grid zine festival. This is the one event where I'm able to shed my layers of doubt and really put myself out there and share art and stories with beautiful creatives. I've made zines for years and years but I never really understood the amazingness they held until attending Grid Zine. 3 years later and I'm still enamored by all love that encapsulates this event. I didn't put too much pressure on myself to create a THOUSAND new things, but I just focused on a few and making those few really mean a lot to me. Its been just about 2 weeks and I'm still glowing from all the creative vibes I was able to absorb! If you want to see creatives in their best form I highly recommend a zine festival!!
Heres a the new babies I made! I'm sure they'll each get their own post eventually once I get all caught up!
My zine haul! You can go HERE to see the post where I tagged all the wonderful creators of these zines! There was SO many good ones this year! This is probably the most I've spent and traded a festival.
Lastly I made these really cute lil' envelopes full of plantable confetti that I made out of the seeded hand made paper I made a few weeks ago.