A while ago I signed up for the Collage Scrap Exchange project, over HERE! I've since then gotten my scraps and started to decide what I wanted to make! I got so many wonderful scrappy goodness! The theme is "new landscapes" which is surprisingly throwing me though a loop! I haven't started on my new landscape yet, but I did some "practice" collages to send to my pen pals! My collaging skills aren't quite up to par (especially looking at the other submissions!) so I need all the practice I can get. After I'm done I always feel MEH, like its close, but not quite. I'm not sure why. Maybe I need to try a more minimal approach? Who knows hopefully that aesthetic chunk of my brain can sort itself!
Do you collage? Any tips and tricks?

That's a really nice collage. Much more organized than any of mine haha I've nominated you for the Liebster award, here's the link: http://djhearteyes.blogspot.com/2015/01/liebster-award.html :)