I updated my blog layout! I mostly did out of necessity. The original hosting site I was using left watermarks all over my images. So it seemed about time that I update it all! I was looking up all the old saved images and realized that I made my other layout in 2015! That seems like ages ago! This layout is much more simple than my last one. I di
dn't do any extra fancy bits and got rid of stuff that seemed unnecessary. The ipad made making all these new illustrations super easy! I ended up making two headers but opted for the sidebar image instead of the banner style. BUT I really enjoyed how the banner turned out and wanted to share it!
Year after year I blog less and less. I continually put less pressure on myself which ultimately wanes my motivation. With this new update I feel refreshed and excited to get posting some more. This summer has been good to my creativity and leaves me with lots to share! I just need to get more organized.
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