Song and Doodle # 75

Today song and doodle is Pressure to Party by Julia Jacklin. This is a new single that she's released and its made me terribly stoked for her next album coming out this month! My favorite part about her tunes is how insanely relatable her lyrics are. It feels like she's read a story about me and then poetically sings it back to me. Ok, ok maybe thats a bit selfish to think that way, but the power in her lyrics makes it feel like its just for you. Needless to say she has a special way of pulling at the heart strings. The song Pressure to Party feels like the perfect song to have on repeat the week of Valentines. It encapsulates the fall out of a relationship perfectly. There is so much pressure to feel normal, act normal and find the positivities in everything if not for you than your loved ones. Relationship fails are just one of those things that you need to stumble though and this song is the perfect nugget of all those feelings. Well, at least in my opinion.
"I know I’ve locked myself in my room
But I’ll open up the door and try to love again soon"

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