Happy Easter!

Easter is my all time favorite holiday! It touches both my mystical nature-y side and my spiritual side. Its just so magical how the earth is slowly coming back to life. Seeing the new growth on plants and feeling the sunshine gives me the feeeels. There is something really refreshing about the return of life to the earth. A huge sigh of relief rolls off my shoulders once the warmer nights come back. Don't get me wrong its still plenty cold here but the hint of warmth is all I need. A small part of me screams inside "YOU MADE IT THOUGH WINTER" Something about gathering as a family to celebrate that accomplishment together is amazing. I love the pastel eggs, candy, too much food, sunshine giggles and being silly with the ones I adore. I love the rebirth, the promise that we're given as spirits and the ancient stories that all wrap around this wonderfully strange holiday. 

I hope you have a wonderfully pastel Easter!

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