This is the third mini-mini zine in a series of mini-mini zines I've been compiling! So much MINI! I enjoy the way this mirco zine turned out. I'm really happy they all seem to be fitting into the same style and esthetic. Although they are all very different something about being slightly cohesive is satisfying to me. I struggle to find a theme or style that fits ME. So when things are matchy it delights me! The innards of this little guy I wrote after reuniting my love for Brighteyes and remembering that in high school I was absolutely obsessed with the song Amy In The White Coat. I adored this song as a teenager (and adult!) because its one of those that has many meanings depending on what you choose to pull from it. "You should wash your hair more. You should look more like us." This is the lyric the stuck with me for a while and this little poem called NOrmal was the result!
If you're into zines and would like a copy OR you make zines and would like to swawp-ies you can go HERE! Email me and I'll get something sent your way!