Incoming and Outgoing Mail!

I had a productive weekend making a few bits of mail. I only got 2 finished but I've started about 4. Needless to say I kept getting distracted. I'm overthinking everything and anything which means my mind tends to wander quite a bit. I'm hoping by the end of the week my reply pile will be down to zero! I've been working on a lot of other artsy projects as well, but for today heres some mail! 

 My pen pal Ana sends the best little packages! I try to make mine look fancy, but I've always got that "a child might've helped you" look to my flip books! One of these days I'll be able to make them as cool and classy as her!
 I adore this little box! Not only does it have BEEEES but also lavender! So dainty and cute. I'm also surprised how well it survived its journey!
You can check out some of Anas other mail at her Instagram HERE

I made these two envelopes out of scrap water color paper. I'm really happy with how they both turned out. I used a honey comb stencil on the honey bee on and a black marker on the watery blue one. I've really been exploring more mediums lately. Mixing it up a bit and see what combos work and what don't, its quite fun!
This is the flip book that I sent to her! It turned out alright. Although if I'm being honest I'm not the biggest fan of flip books. Too much space I think? I never know quite how to fill it up or bits and bobs to add. My indecisiveness gets the best of me. BUT I always get such lovely things, I can put forth the effort to try my best to send the most magical mail I can!

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