We're starting on week THREE of eating and exercising. I must say it has not been easy. The first week was probably the hardest. Mostly because going from zero exercise to everyday exercise means I was super sore all week. We changed up the exercise for week two and its been more fun the second week. I'm not sure if thats just because I'm getting use to it or what. I'm thinking we should change it up again! I bought a bunch of hula hoops for Easter gifts so I'm totally looking forward to that!

The recipes so far have been SUPER yummy! Its all so easy to follow! Measuring out portions has felt a little funny. I like that I'm learning what actual portions look like. Its crazy how huge servings are when they shouldn't be! Also eating three times a day has been an adjustment. I use to just eat a huge lunch and call it good. Now eating breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks I feel like I'm eating ALL the time. But also feeling kinda hungry all the time too? I think I'm still in the adjustment phase.

Overall I love the way I'm feeling. My stomach feels so much better! I'm learning how to manage my time better. Mostly cause I'm forced to find time to prep lunches and breakfasts. Plus SO MANY dishes! I didn't realize that cooking three meals a day produced so many dishes! Luckily I think we're finally getting into a good routine. Hopefully I can find a way to make more time during the day for my hobbies! Lately all I've been doing is cooking, eating, dishes and exercise. Which has been good, but I miss my hobbies! I just need to sort it all out and at least I feel like I'm on the right track! I hope this means I'm getting good habits!