Little Lazy Blogger.

Phew! Life seemed to catch up with me real quick the past few weeks. I always feel a little bit blue when I'm not keeping up with my blog. Mostly because its something that makes me happy and not finding time for it is just a nightmare! BUT since I am an adult (unfortunately) things get in the way of happiness at times. Luckily never for long.

List of things as of late: 
1-Had to find a new home, but didn't. So homeless I guess would be the correct term? But not for long!! I suppose this could count as a major adult fail.  
2- This does mean my crafty supplies are sitting in boxes. Which is super depressing. 
3- Had an amazing Hawaii vacation. Got to see so many beautiful relatives that I miss so much! (I'll have to post photos soon-ish!)
4- Going to go to San Diego in a week or so! So more beach time! Yay. 
5- It doesn't matter how much sun I get my legs are still ghostly white. Hopefully one more beach trip will do the trick! If not I've learned to just own up to what you're given. Even if that is pale skin!
6- This summer is going by way to fast and I seriously feel like there aren't enough hours in the day!
7- THIS song has been tugging at my heart strings lately. Also you can find the ukulele chords HERE
8- When I get my craft stuff out of storage THIS is on the list of projects to try out!
9- Since getting back from Hawaii I found THIS Hawaiian donut food truck that is AH-mazing! If you're in the area check it out! Taste just like da kine you can get on the Big Island!
10- I've been realizing the past week how truly amazing my family and friends are. Cause man there is no way I could survive with out them!

Cheers to good people and the lovely things in life.

1 comment:

  1. Homeless?! Oh noes! Hoping you will find a home soon!
    ** also I've sent you some snail mail recently.. hoping it will still reach you...

    But thank god for the sun and the ocean!
    I'm shre you will have everything on track soon. And if not, it will all work out okay anyways
